SIKU Wildlife

Atsaq • Black Bear

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Atsaq • Black Bear

Atsaq • Black Bear

Innu-Aimun Common Additional Terms

Napeshk Male bear
Ishkueshk Female bear

Nusheshk Female bear (during reproductive years)
Mashkuss Bear cub, young bear (less than 1 year old)
Patauan;Apatauaishkuss Two-year old bear

Atamateshiushk Bear fetus

Uishakushku Male bear in rut

Tshisheshk Adult bear

Uishakushk Male bear in rut

Source: Les Éditions Tshakapesh, 2018. Uashat, Quebec

Photo Credit: Black bear by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (n.d.). Licenced with Public Domain.