Ippigunak • Beetle
Photo Credit: Adult Bessbug (Odontotaenius disjunctus) by PiccoloNamek, 2005. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Beetle-Bessbug.jpg. Licenced with CC BY-SA 3.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0.
Additional dialect detail: Minnguk means 'black beetle' in Nunatsiavummiutut
Beetles have fully hardened forewings called elytra. The elytra cover the membranous flight wings and form a straight line down the back. Beetles all have chewing mouthparts. They are important as plant feeders, predators on other insects, parasites, decomposers and pollinators.
Ground Beetle
Photo Credit: Ground beetle by Siga, 2012. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pterostichus#/media/File:Pterostichus_anthracinus_up.jpg. Licenced with CC BY-SA 3.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0.
Gound beetles are large and most are shiny black or metallic and have ridged wing covers (elytra). They are predators and found under rocks, on sand, under barks and logs.
Photo Credit: Ladybug by André Sarrazin/Montreal Insectarium - Espace pour la vie, (n.d.). Licenced with Permission.
Ladybugs are usually small and round, colorful with round spots on elytra. They are important as pest control as they feed on aphids attacking plants.
Longhorned Beetle
Photo Credit: Longhorned beetle by Maxim Larrivée/Montreal Insectarium - Espace pour la vie, (n.d.). Licenced with Permission.
Longhorned beetles are caracterized by very long antennae, often as long as or longer than the beetle's body. Many adults visit flowers and the larvae bore into wood.
(Description Source: Montreal Insectarium - Espace pour la vie)