Natural History
Saltwater Eelgrass is a perennial plant that grows in costal beds around Hudson Bay and provides important habitat for marine life. It grows either completely submerged or partially floating with long, bright green, ribbon-like leaves, the width of which are about 1 cm.
According to recent research, Saltwater Eelgrass it is in a global decline. Our community based research continues to suggest that over the last several decades the ocean water in Hudson and James Bay has become less salty due to runoff from large Hydroelectric dams on the mainland. Decreased salinity and increased turbidity negatively impacts Eel grass's ability to thrive in it’s arctic habitat. With your support, elders, leaders and community based researchers in Chisasibi are currently coming together to tackle this problem!
Photo Credit: Zostera sp in Mussel Ridge Channel by Colin Faulkingham, (n.d.). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zostera#/media/File:Zostera.jpg. Licenced with Public Domain.