Nanuq • Polar bear
Natural History
Polar Bears are carnivores mammals that live primary with in the arctic circle. They weigh 350–700 kg and rely on sea ice for their food, spending much of their time at it’s edge preying on seal. Despite have white white fur, which insults their bodies and camouflages them in their environment, their skin is actually black which better allows them to absorb the heat form the sun and stay warm in the arctic climate.
Inuit Context
Polar bears are highly respected as sprit helpers but also feared by the Inuit and most other creatures in the north. Since before rifles were used, Inuit have used dogs to help them hunt the polar bear by forcing them out of their dens and running them until they tire out. A hunter who kills a polar bear is highly respected when they bring home enough meat to feed many in the community.
Because of their respect amongst Inuit, their magnificent appearance and their reliance on sea ice, Polar Bears are often portrayed as an indicator species for Climate change,
Main Photo Credit: Polar bear on rock by Joel Heath, Arctic Eider Society, (n.d.). Licensed with Arctic Eider Society Photo, https://arcticeider.com. Second Photo Credit: Polar bear on rocks by Joel Heath, Arctic Eider Society, (n.d.). Licensed with Arctic Eider Society Photo, https://arcticeider.com.