Sikuaq - First thin ice
Indigenous Knowledge
Sikuaq ᓯᑯᐊᖅ 'The first thin layer of ice forming on top the ocean, typically taking 2-3 days of clear, calm, cold weather to form (although this now occurs later than in the past, and can be a different consistency). Indicated by a dark and shiny surface, where a harpoon is always needed to test when the ice is strong enough to hold the weight of a person. (Panniqtuq, South Qikiqtaaluk, Inuit Siku Atlas)
Sikuak ᓯᑯᐊᒃ 'First thin continuous layer of ice, formed when it is calm and cold weather, but can break up easily. (Sanikiluarmiut Nunavimmiutitut, Sanikiluaq Siku Terminology Workshop 2018)
Hikuaqtuq ‘Ice is forming; there is thin ice.’ (Inuinnaqtun, Angulalik 2012: 26)
Western Knowledge
Dark Nilas 'Nilas up to 5 centimetres in thickness and which is very dark in colour.'
Nilas 'A thin elastic crust of ice, easily bending on waves and swell and under pressure growing in a pattern of interlocking "fingers" (finger rafting). Nilas has a matte surface and is up to 10 centimetres in thickness and may be subdivided into dark nilas and light nilas.'
Related terms
Young Ice 'Ice in the transition stage between nilas and first-year ice, 10-30 centimetres in thickness. May be subdivided into grey ice and grey-white ice.'
Southern scientific terms source: MANICE
Profile photo credit: Inuit Siku Atlas